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Effective Love spells – To re-conquer a love: Has your spouse or lover jilted you unfairly? Do you feel you should get back with him or her? Perform this simple love spell now.


If you want him or her to come back to your life and only see you, we suggest that you cut the petals of 3 red roses and immerse them in a bowl containing a solution of salt (preferably silver or glass). Yellow stands for Lost Love Attraction Spells and can, therefore, be used for separating lovers. As you dip the flowers into the silver bowl containing salt, say with conviction what you would like to see happen.


If it is real separation, say a prayer to the goddess of love telling her exactly what you want. These powerful African Spells must be cast on a Friday evening in the crescent moon phase.



Candle spell to win back a lover: If what you want is to win back someone, Dr. Canga will help in that regard too. Obtain a prayer card with the image of San Antonio, light red, white and yellow candles (three of them), pray to the spirits of fire, water, and earth to aid you in your quest to regain the love of that person. Finish the sentence by saying “Amen”.


To sweeten someone’s feelings for you: If you just want to sweeten their feelings when thinking about you, you can perform this easy or simple and effective love spell that works from home.


All you need is some white sugar, a plain piece of paper and a red candle. Write his or her name on a piece of paper using a red pen. Place white sugar on the piece of paper and pass a red candle above it. Turn the candle upside and light it with a match. As the wax drops on the sugar, meditate about what kind of love or feeling you want him or her to have for you.


It will be instant. Bring back your lost love.



To separate two people: The last of the spells is the separation spell. Simply write on two different pieces of paper the first names and surnames of people you want to separate. Place the papers in a glass of water and cover its mouth with a piece of black cloth.



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  • How can I make my boyfriend love only me and not cheat?

    There are a lot of people out there who would love to have a boyfriend who only loves them and doesn’t cheat on them. Unfortunately, this is not always easy to achieve. Most people get their heart broken at some point or another by a cheating boyfriend, and they end up feeling very miserable as a result. They don’t understand how anyone could ever cheat on them when they love them so much. If you are one of those people who has been cheated on in the past, then this article is for you. Here, you will learn about some ways that you can make a boyfriend love you exclusively and not cheat on you ever again.


    The first step is to get rid of any negativity

    In order to make a boyfriend love you and only you, you need to completely clear all of the negative energy from your relationship. This means a cleansing must be done in order to get rid of any bad vibes or bad energy that is preventing the two of you from being happy together. If you have a lot of jealousy or anger towards your boyfriend, then this negative energy is going to keep attracting him back into your life and causing you to get hurt over and over again. It is very important that you cleanse your relationship of all negativity before you start trying to cast the other spells. Otherwise, these spells will not work and  they will just be a waste of time.

    The Second step is to cast the attraction love spell

    After the cleansing has been done, the next step is to cast the attraction love spell on your boyfriend to make him only fall in love with you and no one else. This type of spell is going to make him realize that he is in a relationship with you and with no one else, and it will keep him from cheating on you ever again. This is going to allow him to fall deeply in love with you and make you the only woman that he could ever be with for the rest of his life. It is a very powerful spell that has a lot of power behind it, and it is very effective at getting results quickly. You will soon begin to see improvements in your relationship as the days go by, and you will soon have the strong relationship that you have always wanted.


    The Third step cast the love binding spell to keep him in the relationship

    Once the attraction love spell has been completed, it’s time to start casting the love binding spell to keep your boyfriend in the relationship. This will help to make sure that he will never leave you behind and go away with someone else. It will also keep him from cheating because nothing will tempt him to stray from you as long as this spell is working. He will be so madly in love with you that he will want to stay by your side forever and never want to be with any other woman.

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